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Tana Monk
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This retreat is co-sponsored by the Tana Yelpa Foundation and the Jazong Ladrang. Tsoknyi Rinpoche has invited his close friend, Tana Rinpoche, to teach at the two retreats this summer. Please visit: https://tsoknyirinpoche.org/the-tana-yelpa-lineage-and-a-biography-of-tana-dungsey-tulku-pema-rinpoche/ for more information about Tana Rinpoche and Tana monastery.
2. August 22 – 27, 2017 – Crestone, Colorado
Renunciation, Compassion & Devotion: A Dzogchen Retreat With Tsoknyi Rinpoche & Tana Tulku Rinpoche
This retreat is co-sponsored by the Tana Yelpa Foundation and the Jazong Ladrang. Tsoknyi Rinpoche has invited his close friend, Tana Rinpoche, to teach at the two retreats this summer. Please visit: https://tsoknyirinpoche.org/the-tana-yelpa-lineage-and-a-biography-of-tana-dungsey-tulku-pema-rinpoche/ for more information about Tana Rinpoche and Tana monastery.