Dear Sponsor,
Thanks you for supporting the Tana Yelpa Monastery. The projects provides for the health and well being of the monks and the communities. Your heart felt support will enabled the Tana Yelpa Monastery of India, to grow, sustain it’s self and to continue to be a center for preservation and growth of precious Tibetan Buddhist traditions and teachings. These Tibetan Buddhist traditions and teachings have been handed down though the Tana Yelpa Lineage for over 800 years.
As you know, the Tana Monastery, in South India, was founded by Tana Tulku more than 40 years ago, when the refugee monks from Tibet escaped from Tibet during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The Tana Yelpa Monastery has been an essential link between the Tibetan Buddhist traditions and teachings. The Tana Yelpa monastery has supported the Tibetan refugee community and created a foundation on which to rebuild a preserve a culture dedicated to compassion and kindness.
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