Sponsors will benefit from the monks daily morning and evening prayers of Green Tara (Goddess of Compassion) and Mahakala (Protector of Tana Yelpa) pujas. In addition special monthly Dakini and Guru Rinpoche pujas are performed for the removal of obstacles and fulfillment of worldly and spiritual goals of the sponsors
Milarepa wrote a song “Merit of benefactors”
When a skillful meditator meditating in the wilderness and a skillful sponsor providing the where withal come together, the connection leads to both sponsor and meditator gaining Buddhahood. But what gives this connection it’s greatest meaning is the dedication of merit to all living beings from both the sponsor (for giving) and meditator (for praying and meditating).
We are working to create hope and the opportunity for a better world.
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Our Mission Is Simple. We want to make a difference.
Thank you for support of the Tana Yelpa Monks. Your sponsorship goes towards the education, food, clothing, medical & basic necessities of the monks in Tana Monastery. The monks are trained to be sincere, spiritual practitioners in accordance with Buddhist monastic traditions. These Buddhist traditions, prayers, and practices generate vast benefit for all of humanity in the present and future.
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