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Sponsors will benefit from the monks daily morning and evening prayers of Green Tara (Goddess of Compassion) and Mahakala (Protector of Tana Yelpa) pujas.  In addition special monthly Dakini and Guru Rinpoche pujas are performed for the removal of obstacles and fulfillment of worldly and spiritual goals of the sponsors

Milarepa wrote a song “Merit of benefactors”

When a skillful meditator meditating in the wilderness and a skillful sponsor providing the where withal come together, the connection leads to both sponsor and meditator gaining Buddhahood. But what gives this connection it’s greatest meaning is the dedication of merit to all living beings from both the sponsor (for giving) and meditator (for praying and meditating).

We are working to create hope and the opportunity for a better world.
But we can only do it with your help. Join with us in our mission and donate now.

Our Mission Is Simple. We want to make a difference.
Thank you for support of the Tana Yelpa Monks. Your sponsorship goes towards the education, food, clothing, medical & basic necessities of the monks in Tana Monastery. The monks are trained to be sincere, spiritual practitioners in accordance with Buddhist monastic traditions. These Buddhist traditions, prayers, and practices generate vast benefit for all of humanity in the present and future. 

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Tana Monk
The Tana Yelpa Monastery is the seat of Tana Yelpa Kagyu, one of the earliest monasteries in Tibet, it was founded in a place known as “Tana”, meaning “Horse Ear” in Tibet in 1068AD by the Protector Lord, Sangye Yelpa, founder of Tana Yelpa Kagyu which is one of the eight Junior Kagyu lineages.  Sangye Yelpa was one of the main disciples of Lord Phakmo Drupa.  As part of Sangye Yelpa many enlightened activates, he became the root guru of King Gesar of Ling’s direct family.  Later the direct descendants of King Gesar of Ling offered all their valuable property and their wealth, to Sangye Yelpa including Gesar of Lings’s sword, bow, armor, the armor of the thirt y ministers and many other precious items. These items still remain in Tana Monastery in Tibet to this day.  While some precious items were lost during the Communist Revolution, the previously mentioned items and the Stupas containing the relics of the thirty ministers of Ling’s still exist in the Tana Yelpa Monastery in Tibet today. 

Tana Monastery, South India was built by late Tana Tulku Drubgyu Choephel Rinpoche in 1975 with the help of Tibetan refugee village in the refugee camp in Collegial.  Through sheer sincere efforts of Tana Tulku Rinpoche’s son, Tana Dungsey Pema Tamding Rinpoche, the monks’ quarters were built in early 2005.  The Tana Monastery in India has over 60 monks who live there permanently learning the Yelpa and Karma Kagyu practices.  We highly appreciate your help in preserving and upholding this precious lineage.

Tana Yelpa Monk Support

Thanks you for your decision to sponsor monk(s) at the Tana Yelpa Monastery.  Your donation to Monk Sponsorship will help to support and preserve the precious Tana Yelpa lineage which for centuries has help a vast number of sentient beings through Buddhist prayers and practices.  Your support for the Tana Yelpa Monks will pay for the education, food, clothing, medical and basic necessities for the monks in the Tana Yelpa Monastery. 

A donation of $120 USD will support one monk for a year
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